ADHD Symptoms and Treatment - ADHD is a disorder that is usually heard in attention problems and hyperactivity. Those who have ADHD find it difficult to concentrate, sit still and stop their impulses, which creates problems in daily life.
ADHD is due to disruption of brain development during gestation and infancy. It can be for life, although the a
dhd symptoms often decrease in adolescence. Adults diagnosed with ADHD have had symptoms throughout their lives but did not receive the correct diagnosis earlier in life. Often, symptoms have been misinterpreted and they have received other psychiatric diagnoses.
Certain brain functions do not work quite as they should in people with ADHD. These are mainly the features that are important to help plan and organize their documents is reduced. The reasons are not fully known. Research suggests that heredity plays the greatest role and that ADHD can also be caused by damage during gestation and infancy.
It has recently been shown that the brain's reward system responds faster to new impressions in those with
ADHD. These findings provide a biological explanation for why people with ADHD often than others become abusers. The discovery could lead to new drugs and behavioral therapies.
ADHD Symptoms
If you have ADHD have difficulty sustaining attention and control their impulses. It's hard to be active at a moderate level. Other signs of ADHD are:
Problems with motor skills
Then speech and language development
Problems with the interpretation of sensory input
Fiery temper and despite
Psychological problems like anxiety, excessive worry or depression
Treatment of ADHD
You can not cure the disorder underlying ADHD. The most important help is that adults understand the limitations and difficulties the child has. Only then can the child be met with realistic expectations and requirements.
There are several medications that reduce some of the symptoms of ADHD. Those who have shown the best effect and at the same time have relatively few side effects are stimulant drugs. They increase concentration and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. This improves children's functioning and they get easier to cope with schooling and socializing with others while growing up. Medication should always be combined with other support measures, advice to parents and adjustment in preschool and school.
Did you know that between three and six percent of school aged children have ADHD. Although ADHD is most common among children living so many adults with ADHD. Parents and other important people need to gain knowledge of how to meet the child to reduce the many conflicts which so easily arise.
Research on the
brain is essential for us to develop new effective
adhd treatments. With your gift, we can work together to research on ADHD is progressing.